Thursday 22 April 2010


Working on a software called I-movie i was able to create a movie trailer and further edit it with special effects to create a exciting finished product.
Using slow motion and fast cut shots increase the tension which gradually builds highlighting the thriller/horror genre of the film. Calling it (The Jinn) and arabic term meaning devil (evil spirit) sounded unusual and immediatley starts to make you think. The trailer itself revolves around 4 main charachters; a little boy who the stroyline revolves around as he gets possessed and his sister who seems quite a dominant force not getting along very well. A dark figured man who passes away seemingly unnoticed while the brother does all he can to help the possession of his younger brother.
I have chosen to use 4 key charachters as it fits with the conventions of other movie trailers and it helped me focus my work and create individual scenes better. I also used background music to add to the excitement and added non-digetic sounds to build up the anxiety. Throughout the trailer i have added text which pops up making the audience visualise what may happen always keeping you at the edge of your seats.

A voice over will be included to make it more realistic helping the audience understand whats happening. Using intertextuality where the film trailer the Panic Room and Hide & Seek are filmed in darkness my trailer is also mainly filmed in a dark atmosphere keeping the thriller genre of the movie throughout watching it.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Adobe Photoshop / Premiere


With last years experience of making music magazines i was able to use Adobe
Photoshop and experiement with the different techniques to enhance the quality of my work. I am more confident with using layers and special effects to create a cutting edge to my work. However with such short time i am not able to use the more technical stuff which takes alot more time and effort. I am confindent on working with the basic techniques blurring images, using gradients for background effects and also the good old magical wand to align my work and make everything look perfection.


Experimenting with different camera shots and creating a short film has allowed me to take this video as a sample and use the Adobe Premiere tools and edit my video which has made me more confident with this new technology which will further help me create and edit my final movie trailer which i am currently making. The selection tool allows me to highlight key areas of the film and such unwanted sections can be cut out using the razor tool which allows me to keep the best bits and continually add and replace bits of the film which i want to keep or remove. Furthermore the time stretch tool will allow me to shorten or extend bits of the trailer whilst adding slow motion effects to change the pace of the film.

Thursday 4 March 2010


(Movie Trailer)

I will be concentrating on producing the following media products:
1) A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer;
2) A film magazine front cover, featuring the film;
3) A poster for the film.


1) The teaser trailer will be based on a thriller movie action packed with unconventional elements with two story lines which will be interlinked to build more excitement and anxiety when things begin to bubble at a fast pace building the tension gradually. The two story lines give the audience something new to think about and when one problem begins another follows. The use of key elements like intertextuality, taking the thriller movie ‘The Panic Room’ this trailer will be set is a large House/mansion filmed at night straight away building the apprehension giving the trailer a set structure throughout.
The use of different camera shots like close ups and sudden fast cuts will create that dramatic effect which will make your heart beat just that little bit faster. Throughout I will be using a lot of parody to create a twist as things don’t always go according to plan and what you might expect will not always be apparent.
Right through the trailer I will include a sound track increasing the everlasting tension with striking screams and screeches to add to the fun.

I will have 4 main characters including:
• Little Boy – Possessed by an evil spirit. He will have nightmares and no one knows what to do!
• Sister – Has arguments which her little brother and thinks his mentally ill and its all an act to seek attention.
• Older Brother - Does everything in his power to help his younger suffering brother and attempts to get rid of the evil spirit (Revenge)
A dark figure who tends to appear seemingly unnoticed hiding away in the darkness.



2) My magazine front cover like many other Thriller magazines will be simple in its structure as everything will be aligned and the title of the film at the top. I will use approximately 3 different font styles and no more than 3 colours which will reflect a dark overlook portraying the thriller genre. Like the Exorcist magazine front cover I will have one main image on the right hand side with maybe one or two smaller images contrasting the best bits of the trailer. The writing will be on the left hand side in clear to read.


Using the innovative style of all Thriller posters the image will be the main focus point. One image will be used with the title of the film linked with in the image. Like the Saw 3 poster the image of the teeth represent the number 3. This clever link is eye-catchy and represents the theme of the film itself and it looks pretty painful. The poster like the magazine will be limited in the colours used but it won’t be as aligned. Short snappy slogans at the top will advertise what the films about. The poster will be simple and effective representing the thrill/horror theme.

(My poster and magazine will reflect my trainer and all three will complement each other).