Thursday 11 March 2010

Adobe Photoshop / Premiere


With last years experience of making music magazines i was able to use Adobe
Photoshop and experiement with the different techniques to enhance the quality of my work. I am more confident with using layers and special effects to create a cutting edge to my work. However with such short time i am not able to use the more technical stuff which takes alot more time and effort. I am confindent on working with the basic techniques blurring images, using gradients for background effects and also the good old magical wand to align my work and make everything look perfection.


Experimenting with different camera shots and creating a short film has allowed me to take this video as a sample and use the Adobe Premiere tools and edit my video which has made me more confident with this new technology which will further help me create and edit my final movie trailer which i am currently making. The selection tool allows me to highlight key areas of the film and such unwanted sections can be cut out using the razor tool which allows me to keep the best bits and continually add and replace bits of the film which i want to keep or remove. Furthermore the time stretch tool will allow me to shorten or extend bits of the trailer whilst adding slow motion effects to change the pace of the film.

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